Sikhism is a pretty young religion and it is one that not many people know a great deal about. One of the most important things for a Sikh to do is to get involved with selfless service aka seva.

Seva can come in many different forms; it depends on the person and how he or she decides to help make the world a better place. One of the most common types of seva is langar (rhymes is hunger).

Langar is a free vegetarian meal provided for EVERYONE regardless of faith, gender, age or status. If you are in need of a meal, go to a Gurdwara (Sikh place of worship), grab a plate and eat. It is honestly that simple. There are no questions asked.

During langar everyone sits at the same level (on the floor or on tables) and everyone eats the same food; there is no special treatment given to anyone.

The idea of Langar came about to tackle 3 main issues:

  1. Fighting hunger. There is more than enough food to go around but the people who have the most are the least like to share. 5% of the world own 95% of the resources. It is ridiculous, but true. Langar provides a lifeline for many people in need.
  2. Langar is served equally and everyone sits together (usually on the floor) at the same level to eat the same food. This situation really helps break down barriers and encourages conversation between people of all different walks of life.
  3. Compassion. A core philosophy of Sikhism is to do seva. We must share TIME and MONEY to help other people without a reward. Langar is funded purely by donation and is cooked and served by volunteers.

On average, langar feeds an estimated 6 million people a day across the world. It truly is amazing.

This week is International Langar Week, so to raise awareness and spread this beautiful message I took one of my non-Sikh friends to experience her first ever langar! Hope you enjoy the video 😀



Hey guys! It’s that time again: Hipster Veggie Funny Fridays!

So I recently got back from a trip to my motherland, India. It was amazing to say the least. For those of you guys who have never been to that side of the world, it can often be a SERIOUS culture shock.

2015-01-19 08.22.24

With that in mind, this weeks “Funny Friday” explores 7 different ways India will pleasantly (or unpleasantly) surprise you.
ENJOY 🙂 xxx

Uncivilised queues everywhere. There is no system for them. You need to get sh*t done? You best push yourself to the front!!


Cows/goats/pigs/donkeys roam the streets for jokes, living as they should be. It is a bit amazing to see 🙂


Cab and rickshaw drivers often multitask: they will drive and have fully blown phone conversations at the same time like it’s nothing. Don’t worry though: your safety is never compromised. Indians can multitask!! (Kind of …)


Road markings mean nothing. Every man drives like they are on a scalextric track: up your ass and in between lanes

Indian roads
Indian roads
Scalextric track
Scalextric track

The only difference I can spot between the 2 is the scatty road side …

2 trips are a myth and seen as time wasting by Indians. Everything must be taken from A to B in one journey. This means that vehicles (cars, bikes, trucks etc.) are ALWAYS overloaded with people and/or goods


In India, simply being on foot patrol for a couple of days will prepare you for anything in life. One minute you are surrounded by people (on what seems to be a footpath) the next minute you’re going head to head with a motorcycle :/


This one is for my ladies. It does NOT matter if you are wearing a bin bag and haven’t washed in 3 days. Men will stare at you until the end of time.


And that’s a wrap for the second Funny Friday post 😀
All the above pictures (excluding the scalextric GIF) are mine.
Yes … I actually saw all of this stuff whilst on my travels.
And yes … the perv in number 7 stared at me straight for about 40 seconds.

Regardless of how much I make fun of it, deep down I love India and its organised, chaotic, messy ways.
It is a truly beautiful land made up of very mixed, and sometimes backwards, ideals.

Diversity is probably the best way to describe it. Anyways, if you ever get the chance to, go to India. See as much of it as you can. Each state is unique and wonderful in its own right.

Comment below and let me know what you thought of this weeks Funny Friday!

Have an awesome day and a wonderful weekend guys. Much love.

